Sue's messages are constantly developing, but in general, her talks center on discipleship, humor in the gospel, living an "out-loud" mission, restoring relationships, biblical proficiency and obedience, plus engaging God in worship and music. Sue will surely fine tune material in partnership with each event planner.




The Prescription for Every Healthy Faith-filled woman. (For winter/spring of 2017) A fun and interactive message on the essentials of fulfillment for every woman. With PowerPoint, music and worship - all wrapped up in one. This topic is great for a one-day conference or special event. "What you laugh about defines you; what you cry about refines you. What you pray about assigns you; And what you give to God, aligns you." - A Biblical perspective and answer to the NY Times Bestselling book, "Eat, Pray, Love"

2. SECOND CHAIR (A message on the heart of Servitude)
The violinist's dream - First chair. A baseball player's immediate success: First base. A business woman's early travel schedule: First flight. We live in a world of "firsts". It defines success, dreams, spirituality, and acceptance. But what does being first have to do with our walk with Christ? The truth is, nothing. We are second. And we'll always be. Join me on this journey of discovering how we (all women) can find contentment, less stress, security and joy - by being second. The way of holiness, begins with taking that "second" step, and staying there... Kind of like a second glance at the first fruits... - How to follow when everyone else wants to lead... Key references from Isaiah 53. Great for a retreat theme, day conference or a single event. Very fun, very interactive with humor and music, plus "Digging Deeper" follow up small group time.


"In some ways we would prefer to hear Jesus' call to deny father and mother, houses and land for the sake of the gospel than his word to wash feet. Radical self-denial gives the feel of adventure. If we forsake all, we even have the chance at glorious martyrdom. But in service we must experience the many little deaths of going beyond ourselves. Service banishes us to the mundane, the ordinary; the trivial. - Richard Foster


 3. "Chocolate & Chuckles!" 

"Kind words are like honey (or chocolate!) - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24. In a single event or retreat (three or four part series), there's an amazing analogy of the properties of chocolate and scripture! Only Sue, in her zany way, could come up with this! Very fun, very inspirational. Click on picture below for more info.


4. "Victorious Secret" 

Revealing the secrets in scripture - Color, Christ and the Cross - empowering revelation for every woman to know!" Rahab "got it", and she unfolds an amazing secret about ALL women today. A very moving teaching and message, starting out with a Godly but mysterious application. It's found in the power of habitation. Red, White & Pink - you'll never look at those colors the same way! Based on the true corporate foundation of why the Victoria's Secret lingerie line choose the colors they do. With humor, story and biblically sound proof - Sue will share how important it is to think theologically in a Hollywood mindset.

Psalm 91
1 He who [a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].Psalm 91

Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. A victorious secret for every woman!

Click on picture below for more info.


5. "LOL!" 

Laugh Out Loud, Live Out LOUD, 'cause He's Still LORD OF LORDs" - The drought of joy is OVER. A three or four part series, or one event message, defining the attitude of the gospel and its affect on every woman. (We truly serve a humorous GOD!) Psalm 30:4, 5 "Sing, O heart, to God and thank Him to His face... Your night's of tears give way to days of laughter." Very funny, very evangelical and interactive!



6. "Sweet & Salty Sisterhood" 

A three or four part series, (specifically created for a retreat setting) defining (through music, comedy & biblical application) a woman's "live-life". How to blend, mentor and evangelize (both young and old) in this culture. "The flavor of the Savior - we should be!" Being unique and enjoying our differences, is all part of the kingdom plan. But learning how to blend the salt with the sweet, challenges us al to understand each other more and more.

7. Understanding and Operating in your Spiritual Gifts! (Developing and researching now)

8. Ubiquitous God! (Uncovering the supernatural) (Developing and researching now)


Here's a message by Sue on Feb. 8, 2014 at Sandy Cove Conference Center. Click the link below to hear, "Jesus IS the Sabbath!"



Contact Info:

Sue Duffield Ministries

P.O Box 50

Rockvale, TN 37153





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Jeff's brand new USB or CD is available NOW for a donation of $20 (Preorder includes shipping). Proceeds will go to Ranch Hope for Boys, Inc. in honor of founder, Rev. David Baily, Sr., who recently went home to be with the Lord.

Donations accepted for ALL USBs, CDs and Books. $20 minimum. For more information, contact Sue Duffield.






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